Customised ski boots
Well-fitting ski boots are essential for a successful day of skiing. In our opinion, even more important than the right ski. That’s why our focus for more than 30 years has been on optimally fitting ski boots and the customisation of ski boots – today you would say boot fitting.
Our offer ranges from regular ski boots to individually customised insoles, thermal adaptation of the liner or shell, to foam injected liners. In addition, our experienced boot fitters can correct pressure points in your ski boots with pinpoint accuracy if your boots do not have the option of thermal adjustment or if this is not sufficient.
The wrong footwear is a frequent cause for aching feet during skiing
Facts worth knowing regarding the human foot and its daily exposures
During the span of a lifetime human beings walk a distance of 120.000 kilometres, i.e. about three times a trip around the world. This leads to a daily weight load of up to 1.000 tons on the skeleton of the foot.
These exposures are substantially increased with sports activities. Nevertheless, foot problems are often neglected and might have impacts on our entire skeleton system. When doing sports like skiing, incorrect foot postures or anomalies have a far bigger impact on the entire static of the axial skeleton.

Pressure sores, tension and fast fatigue in the stabilising muscles as well as infections are often the consequence of wrong shoes which are not properly adjusted. Increasing injury risks and even permanent damage are often a consequence. Therefore, the ski boot and its inner sole should be adjusted individually to the anatomic features of each respective foot.
Similar to a car, the adjustment of the “chassis” as well as the “tyres” should be adapted to the requirements, in order to avoid damaging the car body – the entire skeleton system with the adjacent joints (ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint).
Ski boots with foamed inner shoes
A special inner shoe is filled with a two component foam, which already sets after a short period of time and remaining stable in shape. The inner shoe is adjusted to the foot like a negative imprint, fills all empty spaces between the foot and the hard shell thus ensuring optimal power transmission. Combined with an individually fitted insole, the weaknesses of the lengthwise and crosswise arches of the foot can be stabilised accordingly, thus reducing the strain on the complex joints and muscles.

The foam is injected into the empty inner shoe and fills the space between the foot and the shell.
Ski boots with foamed inner shoes
A special inner shoe is filled with a two component foam, which already sets after a short period of time and remaining stable in shape. The inner shoe is adjusted to the foot like a negative imprint, fills all empty spaces between the foot and the hard shell thus ensuring optimal power transmission. Combined with an individually fitted insole, the weaknesses of the lengthwise and crosswise arches of the foot can be stabilised accordingly, thus reducing the strain on the complex joints and muscles.

The foam is injected into the empty inner shoe and fills the space between the foot and the shell.
Who should opt for a foamed inner shoe?
Everyone who seeks a custom-fit ski boot which ensures optimal power transmission of the body, the boot and the ski on the slope. In case someone already has problems wearing conventional shoes due to distinctive ganglia or malposition (high instep, flat, skew or splay feet etc.), therefore suffering from the above mentioned symptoms when wearing standard ski boots, should consider such a purchase.
My recommendation
Take your time when buying new ski boots. Ask qualified staff for individual consulting. You will get the best advice in a specialised shop in the skiing region as they have the relevant experience. Furthermore, you often have the possibility to test new boots and have them adjusted according to your needs.
In case you are a frequent skier and you should have special requirements due to anatomical deficits, it is recommended to invest in a custom made foam inner shoe, provided with insoles, that you will enjoy for a long time.
Treat your feet with the necessary attention and the appropriate boots as you will need them
your whole life …
Dr. H. Klein, MD
Specialised in orthopaedics and trauma surgery, foot surgery
Special orthopaedic surgery

Customised insoles
Each foot is unique and should be treated as such, especially in ski boots. Therefore, it is important to support the foot optimally, particularly the arch of the foot.
Through the buckles constant pressure from the top and lateral pressure are acting upon the foot, which often results in aching soles. An individually adjusted insole supports your foot from below, counteracts the pressure and thus relieves the foot muscles.

Thermal adaptation of ski boots
Many modern ski boots offer the possibility of thermal adaptation. For this purpose, either the inner boot or the shell are heated before the ski boots are tightened to the feet.
By masking off any problem areas pressure points can be tackled in a limited way. After cooling, the inner shoe or shell will retain the new shape adapted to your foot.

Foamed inner shoes
Apposite foamed inner shoes are the measure of all things in terms of customised ski boots.
By injecting a 2-component foam into the inner shoe, it fits perfectly around the foot and into the shell. Thus, this approach offers best adaptation possibilities and is ideally suited for anyone looking for optimal support in the ski boots or those having “problem feet”.